Monday 26 March 2012

Finlay McGow Q4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluating stages?

Media technologies were involved throughout the production of our media product. There are two types of technology that are involved hardware, which is mainly the filming equipment, including cameras and sound recording equipment. We also used software to produce everything else that goes with our product, for example I am using word processor to write this response.

Another example of digital technology that we used was, I-movie it was the editing software that we used to construct our trailer ready for it to be realised. I found that on the whole this editing software was easy to use but it did lack that fine tuning aspect to make everything seem perfect. Another product that we used to for our production was Garage Band to produce the soundtrack for our trailer, again I found that this piece of software was generally easy to use, but lacked that precision needed to make a top quality piece of work.

More products that we have used throughout our production have been Prezi. We have used Prezi to try and present our work and research in new and different ways, which makes it more interactive than a PowerPoint presentation. Here is a link to where we have used Prezi
( Another piece of software that we have used is Microsoft Excel which we have used to collate our research and present it in graphs which al
low for easy reading and extraction of information.

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