Friday 30 March 2012

Kwame Mensah-Sarpong: Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product?

Our promotional package contained many contained effective similarities and also some conventions of the genre in order for audiences to able to identify our film and that it will be effective individually and as a combined product.

We used the images of our main character, 'Barry White' in our movie poster and in a magazine front cover in order to promote our film. Through this, we were able to create different images to try and create an idea of how our character is in our film. These two different images enable audiences to see that our character contains different personalities through his posture, props and clothing.

For our trailer, we were able to show a brief outline of what our story is about and some scenes that may be in the film. The fast paced editing and violence that are shown, give audiences the idea of what conventions used to show that it is a British gangster movie. This is the main product in our promotional package, and through this, audiences are able see the main idea of what we are trying to promote.

The magazine and the poster are also as effective as our trailer because the images of our main character that are used for these products, mirrors the personality that is seen in the trailer.

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