Friday 11 November 2011

The narrative structure of the KICK-ASS trailer


0:33 – the voiceover introduces the main character and the genre of the film.
The non diagetic soundtrack is loud, fast and high pitched, featuring a lot of drum beats, which links to the action type genre.
The soundtrack stops at 0:33 where the audience hears the main character introducing himself as the hero, dressed in his superhero costume.
0:38 – there is a voiceover of a news reporters which seem to be from the film itself, voicing over scenes of videos on youtube getting thousands of views, while the hero’s masked face flashes in between them.
1:23 – the pace of the trailer quickens with lots of action packed scenes i.e. fighting etc.


1:24 - 1:37 – the soundtrack changes and becomes more dark and serious, featuring lots of trumpets at the beginning, to give it a marvel type superhero feel to it. Then the trumpets start to slowly fade around 1:28 when a new voiceover of the villain is introduced.
The scenes lighting become darker and longer, as it introduces the main villains.
1:34 – shots of the main good guy and bad guy fades out into one another, telling the audience of the conflict between them and it hints to a climatic resolution.
The soundtrack stops at this point, putting more emphasis on the characters, making it more dramatic as the last shot features an upward camera shot, looking into the barrel of a gun.


1:38 – 2:34 – a title slide is introduced to break the tension, while the soundtrack becomes more upbeat and fast paced, featuring guitar rifts and fast drum beats.
1:51 – the hero’s voiceover returns as scenes become brighter and a lot more action packed; with explosions, blood, fighting scenes, gun fights etc; which emphasises the genre of the film being action, as well as few comical scenes to ease the tension.
The ending of the trailer turns into shorter scenes, that almost flash past the audiences view, while the beat of the soundtrack turns faster and more upbeat, reaching a fast paced climatic ending; which slightly hints to the overall resolution of the film as the trailer ends in a positive comical way.

The trailer features the main character's transition from being a nerdy/geeky type character into the comic book hero.

We want to use this whole idea of the transitioning character for our trailer. We have an idea of the main character changing from being a hooded thug into a suited gangster.

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