Monday 21 November 2011

Magazine Brainstorm

Monday 14 November 2011

Problems we may encounter while making our trailer

Involving gangs- There would be too many people to involve, therefore we may only feature the main character and maybe a few other characters for action scenes. It gives the trailer an impression that there are gangs present within the movie without actually showing them.
Props- Would have to limit them. We couldn’t use a lot of weapons, so we aim to at least show 2/3 weapons and somehow create scenes where it insinuated violence rather than showing the actual violent act e.g. the opening of the Dexter programme.

Costume- Keep it simple= Casual wear i.e. hoodie and trackies
Formal wear i.e. suit, skinny tie etc.
Special effects- Can’t feature a lot of blood, fire, explosions, car chases etc. on a project like this, especially on low budget. Have to make it look typically British with the limited effects- low production value seen in films like: Snatch, Layer Cake etc.
Central character- Focused mainly on him; keep returning to him to avoid the use many characters which could make it look tacky and unorganised + it avoids the use of a lot of action/scripting scenes.
Exposition- Either we give way the plot, but we have to make sure we don’t give away the whole film plot or we keep the audience guessing and intrigued as to what’s going to happen next, but not to confuse them by making it too complicated and surreal. Thinking of using simple visual techniques, rather than telling a story
Plot device- Centred on the main character following him and seeing him maturing and taking his rightful place among the suits; learning valuable life lessons along the way.

Ideas for plot

Theme of money- Start off with a beaten up car= poor/no wealth – at the bottom of the food chain
• Classic/old style BMW= better car, symbolising wealth and climbing to the top of the food chain
• Or we can have the character coming off a bus/out of crappy car, evolving into better clothes and car
• Maybe able to use clothes rather vehicle- includes one vehicle?
• Ali G type intro for character including a peek at weapon

INCORPORATE COMEDY- typical British gangster film trailers have this

Scenes- Guy checking himself out in the reflection, then it switches to man shouting at him to get in the car already.
This implies our audience actively watches movies on a regular basis, to ensure that our promotional package will be seen a range of audiences who are interested in watching movies. They will also be able to see trailers when watching a film on TV, or in cinema, which increases the chance of them seeing our trailer, therefore generating more publicity and interest.

This result suggests that we can incorporate our movie poster on a billboard to alert our audience about our upcoming release. It also suggests where we can advertise our trailers to generate more publicity.

Our result show that the majority of our audience have watched a British gangster film, allowing us to know that they are familiar with the genre. It also means that we are not introducing something that they have not seen before, meaning they will have a concept of the conventions of our film.
We can see that Images are the main attraction for our target audience, when looking at magazine cover. This shows that we will need to think carefully how we portray our characters on the magazine cover. We can also add different images that are linked to other films from different genres that you will see on film magazine covers.

This can be shown through our spoof magazine, and we can take ideas from here to attract our audience to our film.

Through the result of this question about whether people read film magazines, we have come to the conclusion that we will have to try very hard to impress our target audience to look at our magazine cover in order to promote our movie because not a lot of people read film magazines. Therefore we will use the results from our other question on "what attracts you to watch a movie when looking at a magazine cover?" in order to make it attractive to our target audience, to make our promotional package a success.

Friday 11 November 2011

Through our research, we have come to realise that we will have to incorporate elements of comedy into our trailer, so that it will attract our audience to watch the movie.
This works well for us. Most British gangster trailers already feature some scenes of humour to break the tension of the violent/action-packed scenes.

From our results, more than a half of our audience don't mind watching a British gangster film. This gives us a positive idea that when making our promotional package, they may be interested in it, therefore we have an audience to relay it to.

Most of our results came from females who were students, roughly around the ages of 16-19.

Though stereotypically, males would usually watch a gangster film. However, the results generated from our questionnaires implied that this sterotype is untrue. We plan to aim our promotional package at a mixed gender audience around the ages of 16-19.
The narrative structure of the KICK-ASS trailer


0:33 – the voiceover introduces the main character and the genre of the film.
The non diagetic soundtrack is loud, fast and high pitched, featuring a lot of drum beats, which links to the action type genre.
The soundtrack stops at 0:33 where the audience hears the main character introducing himself as the hero, dressed in his superhero costume.
0:38 – there is a voiceover of a news reporters which seem to be from the film itself, voicing over scenes of videos on youtube getting thousands of views, while the hero’s masked face flashes in between them.
1:23 – the pace of the trailer quickens with lots of action packed scenes i.e. fighting etc.


1:24 - 1:37 – the soundtrack changes and becomes more dark and serious, featuring lots of trumpets at the beginning, to give it a marvel type superhero feel to it. Then the trumpets start to slowly fade around 1:28 when a new voiceover of the villain is introduced.
The scenes lighting become darker and longer, as it introduces the main villains.
1:34 – shots of the main good guy and bad guy fades out into one another, telling the audience of the conflict between them and it hints to a climatic resolution.
The soundtrack stops at this point, putting more emphasis on the characters, making it more dramatic as the last shot features an upward camera shot, looking into the barrel of a gun.


1:38 – 2:34 – a title slide is introduced to break the tension, while the soundtrack becomes more upbeat and fast paced, featuring guitar rifts and fast drum beats.
1:51 – the hero’s voiceover returns as scenes become brighter and a lot more action packed; with explosions, blood, fighting scenes, gun fights etc; which emphasises the genre of the film being action, as well as few comical scenes to ease the tension.
The ending of the trailer turns into shorter scenes, that almost flash past the audiences view, while the beat of the soundtrack turns faster and more upbeat, reaching a fast paced climatic ending; which slightly hints to the overall resolution of the film as the trailer ends in a positive comical way.

The trailer features the main character's transition from being a nerdy/geeky type character into the comic book hero.

We want to use this whole idea of the transitioning character for our trailer. We have an idea of the main character changing from being a hooded thug into a suited gangster.

Monday 7 November 2011

Mock up images in the style of American Posters

Playing around on Photoshop and creating a few gangster images that are similar to the posters of: The Godfather, Scarface and American Gangster.

Generic conventions used: 3 colours:- black (gives a sense of ambiguity, blacking out most of the image), white (to highlight main features and give it that
classic appeal to the genre) and a small bit of red(violence,
blood; the dark side to being a mafia)
Italian get up:- fedora hat, high polished smart cut suits,
high polished shoes ( shows the luxurious side to
being in the mafia)
Guns:- (optional; another sign of wealth and a sense of the
hierarchical system within the mafia)

We may use the colour scheme possibly for our main characters clothes and somehow incorporate it into our poster and magazine colour, but more subtlety.

We wouldn't have the characters wearing fedora hats because, it would insinuate that our trailer would be about American gangsters, when we are focusing on British gangsters.
We also wouldn't have the types of guns they are holding, as we are going for a more modern approach and we may not feature guns in our posters or magazine cover. If we were to use guns they would be BB guns.

Friday 21 October 2011


In present day London the leader of an organised crime group has been set as a target for assassination by his counterparts. The suits as we are going to call them also have a group of hooligans that they are connected to, who do the suits dirty work for them. The Boss’s son is starting at the bottom of this group as his dad believes he needs to learn about the entire business and how that he should respect everyone and understand what will happen when he doesn’t. When the son finds out that his father has been assassinated, he wants to seek revenge. He is planning on doing this by working his way up through the hooligans group and eventually taking on the suits and returning the family name back to the top of the biggest organised crime gang in London.

Friday 14 October 2011
